Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Colours Go Well With Walnut Furniture

The triple system of prices in Thailand Travel Tips

is a recurring theme in Thailand: prices, prices that fluctuate depending on the color of the face, according to the portfolio, by language spoken. It is not uncommon to get on a bus, talking to other foreigners who come to the same place and realize that everyone has paid a different rate.

In Thailand, there is a triple system of prices. First there is the tourist price, whichever is greater, that the Thais shamelessly ask those who speak only English. A T-shirt? 250 baht. There then the price of the expatriate, at least from abroad who is doing with the language. A T-shirt? 200 baht. "Lot noi dai na May Krabi?" Ok, I finally get to 130 baht. Finally, there Thai prices for Thai people. A T-shirt? 60 baht.

This system of price discrimination is quite a reality in Thailand and it is not going to change. When it comes to pay her food more than a 5 baht Thai, this is not the end of the world nor a reason to make a big deal, but when it comes to negotiating the price of housing, for example, 2000 baht per month, it enrages.

Tips So. In all cases, hide yourself and send a Thai who you absolute confidence to negotiate the price. Once you know the real price, make the purchase. If you are alone or you do not know of Thais trustworthy, learn the basics of Thai to negotiate, that is to say some numbers and expressions like "Peng law jang" (too expensive). First try to make people laugh Thais before playing the role of serious businessman. If the price is still too high, say "I'll think about it" and begin to move away from the store quietly. You should hear the price down ...


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