Thursday, February 17, 2011

Walmart Motion Trenz Scooter

Introduction to Feng Shui Saturday, March 12, 2011 in La Rochelle

Feng Shui is to the layout of the living space so as to derive maximum benefit for our balance, our harmony, our well-being and become our ally in creating leverage for development in different "sectors" of our lives. It is commonly called acupuncture in the house. Bring

if you want the architect to plan your own apartment, your home, your business or firm for work during the "workshop" of our afternoon.
Framed by the practitioner, you will be guided to refine your new eye Feng Shui and detect problems inherent in living place that can affect quality of life and make the best remedies.

This study time of three hours is very rich. It requires concentration and motivation for everyone to grasp all the subtleties. We start at 14:30 precise initiation. Better to be there 15 minutes before.

A snack will be offered, time of sharing and caring exchanges. Among others, on questions of each face its own internal harmonization of!
Note that this training is a good introduction for anyone wishing to give an expert / makeover Feng Shui of the place of later life (initiation reimbursed for any study commissioned from the course).
Address: Office of Reflexology Pantaire Pascale LAURENT
1 rue Agrippa d'Aubigné
Reservation required with the firm HarmoniZen to 06 74 58 17 92
cost of the initiative: 45 euros

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brazilian Waxing And Uti

Wake fullness that is in you with Feng Shui Feng Shui

Our living spaces and decor that we choose are only the outward manifestation of our Selves (the house is a reflection of the soul after Alfredo Italian psychiatrist Eiguer). Carole Imbert, harmonization of domestic, from the principles of Feng Shui is for people seeking wellness. "Starting from the premise that everything around us has an impact on our wellbeing and our quality of life, I will use the habitat as a tool for wellness, a lever for development. Thus, observing the basic rules of Feng Shui, I will guide the person toward harmony, balance and achieve their life plans. So if we look closer, how would you describe your Home Sweet Home!

What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the home of acupuncture. During a consultation, after having "taken the pulse of habitat" by viewing the layout of each room and questioning the customer on the quality of life in its habitat (home office), I'll use my " acupuncture needles "to restore any imbalance by boosting the mood or pacifying the contrary.
The first of my hands: the balance Yin / Yang. In each place, moving the forces of Yin and Yang are opposites complementary and necessary to the harmony of a everything. Yin is quiet contrary to Yang. A bedroom, a velvet cushion, black are Yin. A lounge, a metal cabinet, white are Yang. To be comfortable in a habitat, these two forces must be broadly balanced.
Another of my hands: the flow of energy. Stop the bulk of the space! The house is a mirror of what we live. "My life is a mess, I can not reach my goals, I can not put one foot before the other ...." It is striking that the words used by my clients to describe their lives are copy / paste this ... in which they live or work.
Another plus: the colors. They are an essential basis of Feng Shui.
Finally, the Bagua. This is your architect's plan which I included the eight directions. Each corresponding to a sector of life. The North's career, is to the health, south-west to family harmony, south-east finance etc.. Each orientation is attached to one of five elements around us: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
In summary, the good correspondence between the cardinal directions, colors and elements will lead to harmony, balance, leverage development in eight areas of life. Moreover, note that in French, a language very rich in subtleties paradoxically, the word is the same for our designated person (soul) and our house and inside is the word ...

Who is Feng Shui?
We spend 20 hours a day within a habitat. Being permeable to our environment, we must arrange them properly. Feng Shui is a good prescription for all since it is part of a quest for wellness, such as through the regular practice of a sport or a good diet. It is amusing to note that Feng Shui, the gateway through which will enter the energy of your house is called the Mouth of Chi (Chi means vital energy).
I quote Brillat-Savarin: "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are." That's what I think "Tell me where you live and I'll tell you who you are."
Work stress and sleeping problems are two recurring problems. Both can be managed in Feng Shui by a well thought out arrangement, a space suitable for food, particularly through the guidance of his office, his bed, the use of plants depolluting a hard work on light and color. The materials of the decorative elements and shapes. Note that we have all four directions that we are better for sleep and work. They are calculated from our date of birth and our sex ( under "Kua calculation of net).

I do not like the blue, how to respect this aspect of my personality while remaining Feng Shui?
You must refer to the color blue as favorable in the north to feed the quarry. If blue disgusts you, I'll have to adapt and find something else to enrich it. What for you is an area filled career? Once you have an answer, I invite you to make a representation in the northern sector.
If during our preliminary meeting, you gave me your new career did not take off, I'll try to understand through your home which may explain this. Maybe you work on a desk as big as a postage stamp, in a dark corner, trapped between two cabinets or in a direction that you are not favorable. "No second chance to make a first impression". You do not do so to shine your own eyes, you will not believe your success in such a configuration, as if you were punished in the corner! Have you ever seen the Oval Office in Washington? The image makes you smile? Believe me, you create your reality through the perceptions that are given to you by your five senses.
In my work, I does nothing. I propose new arrangements to overcome a situation. I never know in advance what I will suggest to a client before I imbued with its environment and before the hearing on their tastes, aspirations and above what he would have told me of him and his family. I work as haute couture: custom-made, I cut a "second skin" to my client in which he will finally be revealed. And the parallel with the fashion end of it because I have to depart from the dictates of decoration shops in order not to distort my recommendations. The only trend that inspires me is the one that will be favorable to my client. The island of Ré, La Rochelle, via Paris or elsewhere ...
child, I dreamed pediatrician. I realized harmonization interior. I love my job because I feel that if not provide a "cure" at least one new breath to the person who called me. In an absolute respect and infinite benevolence.
To discover the philosophy of Feng Shui, Carole Imbert look forward to seeing you next March 12. She invites you to an introduction with the theme "The well-being through housing." Conference fee & reservation.

HarmoniZen Cabinet - Carole Imbert - Harmonization of domestic
Tel. 06 74 58 17 92

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Japanese Park Gropingvids

The living to the east and southeast

The three best orientations for a living are the east, southeast and south-west, but mostly the first two appropriate feed element associated with them: the wood and its parent element, that feeds: the water because water nourishes wood.
A good show is primarily a bright living room where we invite the conversation by positioning seated in a circle around the coffee table. The TV will be muted. In that all seats will not be directed at her because you will understand, and it would soon become the focus of interest of this show. Several small seats are easier to move a large corner sofa and fact, the piece can easily change the atmosphere to suit your mood. The color blue is Water nourishes wood, so favorable in this area. By cons, aim right in the mix because blue is particularly "yin" and will tend to fall asleep. Yellow is the color of communication. The dominant element here is the wood through a wooden floor, the color green, wicker, green plants.
In a cozy lounge, the light will be at the four corners of the room, more or less discreet. In the evening, a nice light, soft and warm the tone for your mood and your evenings with family or friends.
Have fun!