Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bluetooth Csr Not Working

17th House listening to Congress December 2, 2009

The sex change certainly altered his future, but in any case, his identity [1]

Meals and listening room # 17: Gender Studies: Music and gender identities Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 19:30

And here we go, here's the invitation for the third listening room this year. This time, we'll talk about sexual identities. The title of this sequence is: Gender Studies music and sexual identities. For some, sexual identity is clear: I am a man (or woman) and no (re) issue will disturb this beautiful insurance. For others, this identity has wrinkles and folds: gay, bi, lesbians, transgender ...
The music in this room listening would pay tribute to all those (and all those) who have placed this thought (the fight) in the heart of their production music.
For the third consecutive time, we will be welcomed by the team and that of Congress TARTISAN (at least that's criteria do not change).
To help me this time, again François Dubuisson, Sabine Ringelheim but also (but we will respect the 45 minutes, I promise).
Here is the program:
7:30 p.m. Doors open 8:30 p.m. and drink
beginning of the Listening Room 9:30 p.m.
host table
Participation is set at 17 euros and includes breakfast, the TECC (the fee for listening collective and contextual) and the first fifteen registrants will receive CD with songs in the evening. How to engage

By paying the 17 euros on the account 063-1645113-28 with your name and the words Gender Studies. Seating is limited to 40. The first fifteen registrants will receive the CD on June 17 The others will be later, probably. [2]

the coupon for distracted -------------------------------------- --------
House listening Gender Studies # 17: music and sexual identities
In Congress (Congress train) Pacheco Blvd between North Station and the Central Station, Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 19:30

[1] I borrow this quote Virginia Woolf, in her beautiful Orlando, Le Livre de Poche, coll. Pochothèque, P. 643.
[2] I can not send you the CD, therefore, to avoid the wait, get involved early ...