Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What Does Miscarriage Fluid Look Like

Episode 9 - Whale Island, Part 2

So that kind of storm is trying to hit the island, promising us a pretty hectic last night whaling, I give you following our adventure Whaling (hoping that a power outage or turn off the computer): today we have therefore taken the boat to nine hours to continue our tour of the seabed of the corner, and after an hour's journey, we arrive was the appropriate place, our companions and getaway We put on fins, masks and snorkels, and go! On the fresh water, beautiful corals, fish still full of life''and''starfish very big of a very intense blue that contrasted with the rocks on which they were!
And the afternoon, relaxing!
The most amazing is that on this island about one hundred meters of coastline which are inhabited, it always manages to lose his friends! For example, in May leaving the rest, was unable to find Sinh and Anna, who watched the hotel staff play volleyball, or Cleo, trying to catch snails with his German friend!


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