Sunday, May 30, 2010

What Is The Best Pre-workout

must also remember those who forget where the path leads [1]

Listening Room # 19: Mass for the present time / vs music. religions to Congress Wednesday, June 9 at 21h

A theme has emerged for this new listening room (which is very close to the day of my 40 years): the relationship between music and religion. Religion is part of the material I teach. Worldwide, it's beyond the private sphere and becomes more and more present. It is political or police depending.
Instead of throwing oil on the fire, I would like to play in easing off in search of music that are in this theme as an inspiration.
avant-garde musics recorded in churches, combos noisy electro-who seize the monastic schedule, detours and fugues ... these avenues will be explored during this moment of collective listening.
This time, the listening room will not be followed by a panel of guests. Usability should not suffer too much because the bar of Congress will be available before and after the music.
For those desperate to dinner, I suggested to pass at the buffet before the National Theatre (at will). The journey between the two institutions only lasts 10 minutes. Music lovers will recognize the faces and walking promote sound asceticism and concentration. The rooms of the faithful gather to listen but they are public: friends and acquaintances are welcome.

Here is the program:
21h: Opening doors and drink
21.30: Listening Room
10:20 p.m. discussions over a drink

Participation is 3 € [2] and includes TECC (Tax for listening collective context) and the first fifteen registrants will receive the CD selection.

How to engage?

By paying € 3 on the account 063-1645113-28 with your name and the reference mass. Seating is limited to 30 people. Thank you for your attention before June 5, 2010. For the CD, thank you specify whether you prefer the album version or the version mixed (beware it will be a long range 50 minutes)

Address: Congress, 40 1000 Brussels Pacheco Blvd
My new mobile: 0486/418.465
Facebook: I created an event but I'm not sure what for ...
Blog: him at least I can count on:

[1] I borrow this beautiful quote Heraclitus, fragment 76.
[2] Mattthieu Except for my first member ...


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